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Experience in Contac Center allowed us to design a range of products that aims to enrich capabilities of traditional systems.
Our solutions, in fact, can be integrated in any enviroment they place as functional Add-on, preserving the investements made.

Invite Web Contact: the solution that integrates Internet in Call Center.
Invite Phone: our SIP phone compatible with al lot of IP telephony systems.
Q4U: the Vitual Queuing system that overthrow phone costs and dropout rate.

To ensure the amplest spectrum of usage, our products are based on standard platform and protocol; in fact, we utilize Java® and SIP protocol.
Furthermore, to give more flexibility at users and partners, are avaible some applicative interfaces that allow for customization of graphical layout.
We guarantee an after-sales service costumize depending on needs.

 © CTI Planet s.r.l. - P.IVA 02203360025